Thursday 2 June 2011

Its SO Random,Dude?

Hello,people.We meet again.Well,the reason I decided to blog today is because I dont ever want another DEAD blog.Soooo,what to talk about huh?Lets get a brief introduction about me and my AWESOME life.Joking.=)

My name is ...........Nah,you dont want do you.You already know my name.I think.So,lets jump a little further to the future.Like what am I doing now.Other than typing of course.I currently in Kolej Bandar Utama(KBU),studying GCE A-Levels.College,oh man.Its pretty great.For all you people who have no slightest clue where on earth in KBU,its near 1Utama.=)

   Yeap,thats my college.Its red.They should proly change the colour.But I love it the way it is.=)

To be honest,I was terrified when I started college.I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make any friends,you know?I guess thats an issue if you're about to start college.But then,I meet so much of wonderful friends.Then,I joined Student Council & Rotoract Club where I have most of the fun stuff.RAVE2 is coming.So things is going to be very hectic next week.I am soo physed about RAVE2.RAVE2 is like SAFE clubbing.HAHAH,its a party basically.

If you want to know more,please kindly visit KBU Student Council Blog to find out more. ;)

Okayy,I have no idea what else to talk about.I have to do a post about so many things,movies that I've saw,my family,the food that I love etc,etc,etc.=)

I guess that's it for now.Before ending my post,I would you'll to listen this interesting song I've found in youtube.Its called NINE MILLION BICYCLES. Interesting rytee?Listen it for yourself.=)

Yours truly,


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