Saturday 28 May 2011

Kung Fu Panda = AWESOMENESS!!!

Lazy to blog.Very short blog about my virtual husband.=)No matter how many thousand times I watch Kung Fu Panda,oh mannn.You can't beat that.For me,it is like ALL TIME FAVORITE CARTOON EVER.I mean EVERRRR.
So,the moment when I saw Kung Fu Panda 2 trailer release in Apple Trailers,I was like sooo excited.Finally the time came.Over joyfully I went and watched it.I tell you people.You have to watch it.HAHAHAH,the moment I came out from the cinema,I literally wanted to marry PO.If you guys don't know who is PO.Here is my virtual husband.HAHAH.

                                                 Look at him,sooo awesomeeee.=))

Here are some of awewome stills from Kung Fu Panda 2.=)

                 Cast of Kung Fu Panda 2,(from left Jack Black,Angelina Jolie and Dustin Hoffman)

Can't wait for the third one.Byeee for now.=))
Before that here is my favourite song for now.Adele RAWKSSS!=)

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Haley Reinhart Is Gonna Win.=)

American Idol season 10.
Emm,what can I say about it?I thought it would be like the worst show in the universe after Simon Cowell went away.Then JLo & Steven Tyler came in.They were pretty awesome at first.Steven Tyler still is.But JLO?
Come on.She is so biased alrytee?Everybody wanted James Durbin to win the contest.But come on?Are you guys deaf or something?He is not even CLOSE to Adam the awesome Lambert.He sucks.I mean the reason he made it this far is because he have this Tourette Syndrome.That I respect about him.Its just I dont America should vote based on their background,you know?What if I entered and I live on the streets with no shelter whatsoever.But then i sing like crap throughout the show.Would you even consider me as your IDOL?I dont think so.=(

My Idol is definitely Haley Reinhart.She is SOOO GOOD till theres no words in this world that would describe her AMAZING VOICE.She's like Adele's twin sister or something.She is SOO good.You know who sould be in the finals?Scotty Mcreery & Haley Reinhart.The end.And Haley should win the whole damn competition.

(Facts courtesy from

1.American Idol is past due for a female winner. 3 males in a row is enough...make way for Haley!

2. Haley has the most unique voice out of anyone this season.

3. Haley has shown the most growth out of all the contestants. A lot of people didn't like her version of Fallin' but she has slowly yet surely gained more and more fans along the way who have seen her improve and KILL so many songs week after week.

4. Haley is VERSATILE. Lauren and Scotty are good, but never change it up as much as Haley does. She can sing anything easily and nail it.

5. Haley is a fighter. Unlike the others who are continually praised for mediocre performances, Haley gets knocked down week after week by the judges, yet comes back stronger than ever.

6. Haley does some absolute amazing things with her voice that I haven't seen on Idol in ages. The way she slips into and out of her falsetto is just mind-blowing.

7. Haley has the emotional maturity to handle winning and everything that comes along with it. She's confident and strong and nothing stands in her way.

8. Let's be honest, Haley's a looker! It can't hurt AI to have a winner that's gorgeous!

9. Haley is unpredicatable. (Gaga's unreleased track, anyone?) You never know what she's going to do next, and it's always exciting to find out!

10. So many people thought Haley wouldn't make it this far...NO ONE thought she'd make it farther than James....but she keeps making it. There ain't no stopping Ms. Reinhart! She deserves the win more than anybody! 

Look at her SOO AMAZING!She should win the damn thing.End discussion.
Well before I end my AWESOME POST ABOUT HALEY,here is some of haley's awesome moments in Idol.My favourite Bennie & The Jets,and of course You & I.=))Enjoyyyyy! 

su servidor,


Sunday 15 May 2011

Cakes & Melons.

Usually after a very packed,awesome Sunday lunch,I would be having my "afternoon" nap which lasts probably about 4 hours.HEHEHEHEHE.I know.I have a very LONG sleeping habit for an "afternoon" nap.

About 6pm,my sister called me from the kitchen (as in phone).
"Thasha,come down faster!"

Then I was like huhhhhh? Just-waking-up-blurness.=)

"Thasha,come down.Mummy is crying"

Then,as fast as Superman would wear his underwear,I immediately ran down from my room to the kitchen.You know,what I saw?

My two sisters and my mum sitting on the dining table,LAUGHING.
Judging from the VERY MESSY kitchen,my wildest guess was true.They baked.

You see,baking is a very interesting topic in our house.Do you know how many butters,flours,chocolates we have wasted in order to obtain the CAKES?
We bake like all the time.The percentage of getting the correct batter would be 60%.
The percentage of the cake to survive would be 40 %.
And finally the percentage of the cake taste is sooo freaking awesome?


Go and have your laugh.HAHAHAHAH.But thats the truth.Maybe is the recipe.Maybe is our terrible baking techniques.I always blama it on the OVEN.
 Watching shows like Masterchef,Cake Boss,DC Cupcakes makes us FOOD-CRAZE.
Just watching how the strawberries are washed in the shows.Makes me AHHHHHH.=)

These people are crazy and nuts.So freaking awesome with foods.AHHHH.

So coming back to reality,they've made vanilla & chocolate cupcakes.
They left a very little vanilla cupcake in a small spoon for me.
It was good.Because my mother helped my sister.I know.

Then,the chocolate cake arrives hot from the oven.
Let the pictures speak for itself.


Ohh,pardon me for my turtle.I love him.His name is USAIN BOLT.HAHAHA,cause he runs very fast.Watermelons was for after cake dessert,you see?=)
Thats it for now.I'll keep updating as much as I can.

Met vriendelijke groet,


Saturday 14 May 2011

A New Beginning.

Hello,people from everywhere around the world whom probably gonna leave after just reading a few words.This would be by i guess 7th blog or something.Because I am a very lazy person honestly.Like super lazy.But I love to blog.You know sometimes when you see something interesting or experiencing something awesome,and you have this words that will roll in your head like probably a gazillion times and you wish your head is like an automatic blogger or something.You think,auto blog.FUN?I wish.Maybe in the future.But now we gotta just type and blog,you know.
So,I hope this blog lasts.Like lasts a very long time.I have good time reading other people blogs.Reading their life story and keep updating with their awesome time.Hence,I want the same thing.Suddenly,I wanted people to notice me and read my life stories.Like Julie Powell.She started a food blog about Julia Child her mentor for her passion for cooking.Look at her now,famous and rich like hell.Its not like I want to be rich or something but its nice to mark your place in the world.You only gonna live once you see?So,I want to make mine the best one.No regrets.Learn from the biggest mistakes I’ve made in the past.
I will blog about life,food,music,movies these things I cant live without.My life source you know?They keep me alive.Well,everybody need food.HAHA.Okayy,thats it for now.I promise to try my very best to keep updating my life in this page.Very best indeed.

mise tryly,