Saturday 13 August 2011

How I Met Michelle Lim

Hey,people,aliens.Have you ever wondered if there were aliens actually reading my,yours,every bodies blogs ryte now?HAHA,that would be super freaking awesome.Okay,LOL.Anyways,today I would love to dedicate a post to my dearest friend,Michelle Lim.Many of you might know her but some of would be like"errr" So leh me clear out your blurness guys because I am about to tell you people "HOW I MET MICHELLE LIM" ooh,so cool.Oh and the reason I'm actually doing this because she's leaving to the states soon for a year and this would be like a TEMPORARY bye-bye post.

Once a upon a time,there lived......Er,might wanna skip some part.Okay,it was 3rd January 2007.(well it was my mum's birthday,so I kindda remembered it) It was like the first day of my second year in SMK Hulu Kelang.She was new to our school. with someone else.Err,I kindda forgot her name.So yeah,there was always the awkward moment when the new kid came in.I was super terrified to actually even say hi,since I wasn't that friendly last time compared to now.I even remembered our first conversation.I believe she does too.Cause it was SUPER RETARDED and MEMORABLE ONE.It when something like this.

*PJ teacher copying something on the board,ask us to copy on the book*
(michelle then was sitting beside me and Jie Ying cause tak cukup table)

Michelle : Hey,which book to use to copy the notes?
Me : Errr,I don't know.

I was super rude that time because I was so afraid of her.LOL.It sounds so stupid telling it now.
Then,time goes on and on and we were bonding.We used to puposely stay back for fun and lepak in the playground in our school.I did so many things with her.

She taught me what was "wedgies","spaghetti strap","flipflops"and so many other things.
I went my first outing with her.
I went my first orchestra with her.
I had my first sleepover with her.
I had my first Starbucks with her.
I went to Dome for the first time with her.
I had my first Halloween with her.
My first picture in FB was with her.
I am in love with Pokka Green Tea because of her.
My longest phone talks was with her.
I shared my sorrows and joys with her.

And the list goes on and on but one thing stays for sure.Our friendship.After 4 years now and still counting,we would in touch no matter what happens.This is not a goodbye because we promised WE ARE GOING TO BE IN THE AMAZING RACE ASIA and TRY to win it.LOL.I am gonna miss her like crazy but hey,it's only a year.Only 365 days.It would like a blink of an eye.

"Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, and somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends."

Now,here some pictures to complete this post.

At Julie's 16th birthday party.

At her halloween party.

At Sunway Lagoon,to celebrate her 17th birthday.

Awesome shoes.

At Wai Min's 16th birthday party.

Chilli's after SPM.

Our Form 3 class party at MCD.

I am gonna end this post with this video.LOL,I hope you like this post Michelle.I will always love ya.=)

Boy, and as the years go by.Our friendship will never die.

Yours truly,


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