Saturday 9 July 2011

Dream Big

Heylohhhhh,people.I just don't know what to blog anymore.So many things are running through my head ryte now.Movies,movies,my life,other people's life.Well I wanna share with everyone something personal today.My goals and my dreams.What am I gonna achieve in my future?Well,nobody knows how any of our life is gonna settle down,ryte?But this is what I had in mind.=)

I knew I wanted to be a doctor from the very moment I realized that the only way I am going to help all those poor kids and elderly in Africa,India and many other poor countries is by being there.If you are a billionaire,you would probably donate some funds for their expenses,but how do you even know where is your money is going to go,what effect its gonna do on people?Corruption is happening vast all over the world.So yeah,If I'm a doctor,I get to be there,one to one with a patient,changing lives from my own bare hands.Well,I kinda planned to visit these places once I'm settle down you see.In finance part, alright?Hahahahaha,not sure about the whole family thing yet.But yeah,I do love kids.We will see about that.
Maybe 35 or 40?Who knows?=)

Then my friend,Michelle and I are planning to join the Amazing Race Asia.Maybe after my five year medicine course.OMG,we are so gonna win it.Trust me,we will.=)

I am also planning to open a restaurant.Prefer bally beside a beach.Oh man,I love the smell of the breeze.Even though I'm not a very good cook or anything,but I wanna learn so badly.And raise funds through the restaurants incomes for the poor children around the world.

Like Mahatma Gandhi said once, "Be The Change You Want To See In The World".
It's true you know.I can never achieve anything if I just depend on the others to do the changes.I wanna be the change within me.I want to change the world so badly to a better place.I will.Someday.

I don't ever want to regret things when I am about to die.Life is awesome,a gift from the God for us to live it.Live it wise fully as its so precious.Peace out,dudes.Ohh,thanks for reading my blog,people.Appreciate it.=)

Yours truly,


1 comment:

  1. u r soooooo kind! i'll be d billionaire dat u mentioned haha!
